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47 Einträge

Stargame, 17. January 2011 Telescope
The telescope is now in stores. It works almost the same as the Stoppwatch and will let you be up to date on the current Shooting Starly from everywhere!

Stargame, 16. January 2011 More space for constellations
Battle of widescreens! The constellations have gotten higher (500 x 500 pixel) so you have enough space to create your constellations.

Stargame, 12. January 2011 New Story
A new Starly-Story is now avaiable at the booth written by Pralevia!

Stargame, 27. December 2010 New record lists
The highscores have been updated! From now on Starlies with the same values will share the same rank. This system offers new players a better overview over their next advancement.

Stargame, 28. November 2010 English translation complete
Gates open to players worldwide! Thanks to our diligent user "Dread" the Stargame is now also available in english (there still are some sentences in german with the Neutrinos, which will receive an update soon). So in case you got some friends that aren't speaking german but may want to play, now you can invite them to the Stargame!

Stargame, 27. October 2010 New weblinks for Starlies
Attention: Links to Starlies needs to be replaced. In case you have linked your Starlies somewhere you will need to change that accordingly. To be specific the /starly/ has been replaced with /char/.

Stargame, 25. October 2010 Ad board
A giant Ad-board has been placed in space where you can leave messages, like advertising for your constellation, for public viewing.

Stargame, 9. October 2010 New equipment
The Chronomate is now available at the Man in the Moon. This mysterious item lets you completely skip the waiting time for the next dust gathering. Fascinating.

Stargame, 29. September 2010 Damage
The damage system to train without dropping from exhaustion has been loosened up a little. Contrary you can now sustain damge in the Blackwater and waste your effort.

Stargame, 26. September 2010 Great treasures
The Blackwater now also offers (rare) items to found. Furthermore, Ted has his eyes on a very special treasure...